Upcoming events.

Tsawwassen Springs Festival of Lights 2020
Photo courtesy of Tsawwassen Springs
Tsawwassen Springs is delighted to announce the second annual Festival of Lights, sponsored and decorated by families, community groups and businesses. A family-friendly community event and a wonderful opportunity to wander through our beautifully decorated forest of trees and spread infectious spirit and the goodwill of the holiday season.
November 27, 2020 to January 1, 2021
Tsawwassen Springs Golf Course
5133 Springs Blvd Tsawwassen, BC V4M 0A2
The sponsorship of the Christmas trees on beautiful Tsawwassen Springs golf course will raise funds for Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation to purchase a new much needed Colonoscope. Click here for the sponsorship form!
FEE: $125. The Festival Fee includes the tree and sponsor name sign.
By sponsoring a tree you will receive:
A Christmas tree generously donated by Harris Nursery
A place in the forest of trees in the Festival of Lights
Personalized sponsor sign in front of your tree
A power outlet at the base of your tree
Sponsor name listed on Tsawwassen Springs website
Sponsor link promoted through Tsawwassen Springs, Pat Quinn’s and Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation social media.
For more information on sponsorship, please visit www.tsawwassensprings.ca